Monday, February 1, 2016

Doctors Are People, Too

As you may imagine, we deal with a lot of doctors and other health care professionals in our family. Any intimidation or awe I may have felt about them as a group went the way of the dinosaurs a long time ago.

Generally speaking most of the practitioners we've ever run across have been great.  Competent, skilled, compassionate, flawed, human and secure enough to be open about when they're not sure about a situation.  There have been mistakes made over the years, sure, but not that many.  Doctors are people, too.  Most of them we've had a wonderful experience with.

But there was that one guy......

Let me be fair, he was good at what he did.  And we were in a position where we needed that expertise, so I was happy to have him and would probably be happy to have him again if we were geographically anywhere close.  He did good work for us and he was both hardworking and conscientious.

But oh boy, what a jerk.  Let me put it this way--he needed two consulting rooms, one for him and one for his ego.  He was good, he knew he was good, and he wanted to make sure everybody else knew he was good--God's gift to the medical practice sort of thing.  You didn't question him, you didn't disagree with him, and you didn't disobey him--if you did you got subjected to a polite but condescending and belittling lecture.  He drove me up a wall.

He was by far the exception, though.  Generally we've had excellent relationships with our health care people and I'm glad for the skill and wisdom God has given them.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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