Friday, February 12, 2016

Knocking Down the Door

Men and women react to things differently.  I'll illustrate, but first I have to tell you a story.

A few years back Social Hurricane had a really rough patch--running away, getting mixed up in bad company, acting out, PLUS a few suicide attempts.  She's been in psychiatric treatment facilities twice and has been in regular counseling and is a LOT more together these days.

But I knocked down her bedroom door one time.  It'd been an intense and stressful day and we'd had Defcon 5 levels of trouble.  Long story short, she'd locked herself in her room and was busily cutting her wrists in there and I didn't have time to go get the screwdriver and delicately finagle things.

I don't know if I've mentioned that I'm on the large side and actually quite strong?  Plus, you know, interior door.  I shoved once and broke the whole door frame.  SH later said the door came "exploding into the room."  Adored Wife was with me and told me it was pretty impressive.

I'd never knocked down a door before and haven't had occasion to do so since.

Now, here's the difference between men and women.  You tell this story to women, and they say some variation of "oh, that's terrible."  You tell this to men and they'll SAY "that's terrible" but inside they're all thinking "I've ALWAYS wanted to do that."

And honestly?  Despite all the troubles we were having and how stressful everything was, I'd always wanted to knock down a door.  That part of the evening was pretty cool.  It's a guy thing.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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