Friday, February 26, 2016

Redirecting the Blog

Happy Friday, friends!  Hope this finds you well.

Starting today the update schedule for The Neighbors Think We're Normal will be shifting from "Monday/Wednesday/Friday" to "every so often."

I'm not short on stories.  I have LOTS of stories I can tell.  But it strikes me that a general "strange things happen in our family and we face them with humor" theme is starting to surface in most of them and I'm not sure that's what I want the blog to be about.

Various possibilities come to mind.

1. This could become an encouraging and supporting community for those dealing with mental and physical illness in their families.

2. It could become an advocacy and informative sight on living with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, neurological issues, bipolar disorder, and a host of other things that we live with.  If that's the case I'd have to do a lot more research and homework to make sure I'm offering good stuff.

3. It could easily stay a light-hearted "story site."  There's a place for gentle encouragement and humor.

4. It could be some combination of the above-mentioned or something that hasn't even occurred to me yet.

In any event, until I find my way with it a little more clearly I'm going to be a little choosier about what gets posted and that means not posting so often.  Plus I have other interests that I indulge and a day job and other responsibilities.

I appreciate your prayers as we seek to figure out where this blog is going.

Thanks and God bless, friends.


  1. I hope you do continue with this blog; I just caught up reading all the posts as I've been having a heck of a busy life the last few months and reading has taken a backseat.

    I don't know if you'd need to do much research regarding #2 - sharing your own experiences and the results [good and bad] can help give others ideas. I mean, I'm sure a standard, "i'm not a doctor, but we haven't killed each other yet" kind of disclaimer might be good :) ].

    Aaaah, I have more to say, but finding putting words to keyboard difficult. But I do hope to comment more on past posts when I'm a bit more awake. I've really enjoyed reading each and every one of your posts. And I hope you get your oral surgery done soon! [i have a very funny story to tell you about the one and only time i had oral surgery - no lessons learned other than never to assume that the big pill will be hard to swallow].

    1. Thanks, Vince--very encouraging at a time when I really appreciated a little encouragement. :) Rest assured that I plan to continue; I'm just trying to figure out what direction to head. I laughed at the "I'm not a doctor" line and may shamelessly swipe it. God bless and get some sleep.
