Monday, December 12, 2016

Be There For Each Other

One of the rules of the family is that we have to treat each other with at least a minimum of courtesy and respect.  We've had to make that as a rule, because, unfortunately, sometimes individual members of the family are dealing with their own issues and tend to get a little grouchy.

Not ME, of course.  I'm never anything other than the soul of compassion and consideration.

.......well, okay, maybe most of the time.....

.......well, maybe sometimes I'm a little stressed, too.  And when I'm stressed sometimes I take it out on those nearest to me.  It's very common, and it's not right.  Your family is a convenient target, and they can't help being your family.  If I'm rude to my neighbors or my co-workers or my friends, then I can be shunned by the neighborhood, I can get in trouble at work, I can lose friends.

If I'm grumpy with my family, the most they can be do is be grumpy back, and that makes for some unhappy home life.

So we try to be there for each other.  To try to cut each other some slack when we're having a bad day, and when we ARE having a bad day, we try to be at least reasonably polite and civil to our kinfolks.  We're blessed to be able to have our own spaces for the most part in our home, so we can retreat if we need to regroup, but it's a lot better when we can get along and show a little kindness.

Just something I occasionally need to remind myself and the family of.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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