Thursday, June 9, 2016

God Has a Reason for This.....

I'm a big believer in God's sovereignty, right?  He's in control, so everything that happens He either directly causes or allows for His own good reasons.

I know that this gives a lot of people pause, with all the evil and sorrow and suffering in the world, but the alternative is to either believe that evil is somehow stronger than God or to believe that God doesn't truly care, and neither one of those ideas holds water.

So EVERYTHING in my life (and in yours) must be there because somehow, some way, God's going to bring good out of it.

People who deal with chronic health issues and disability face this on a regular basis.  I know a lady with multiple sclerosis, and every single morning before she gets out of bed she has to check to make sure her legs are going to support her when she does.  (And sometimes they won't, which is why she's cautious.)  I have a good friend with spinal bifida, and there's no point in him even checking--he already knows his legs are pretty much useless.

And they know people who enjoy pretty good health and they have to wonder, along with Adored Wife who's in near-constant pain and my friend Jim who's going blind and a lady I know who suffers with Lou Gehrig's disease, what the point is to all this?

Because we know there's a point.  I don't necessarily go so far as to say God causes pain (although even a surgeon must inflict injury to bring healing) but if it happens at all it happens because He permits it to.  The only reason I can think of for Him to tolerate suffering is that He intends to transform it into something beautiful and wonderful.

So friends, if there's suffering in your life, from the tiniest inconvenience to the most heartbreaking tragedy, may you be comforted.  Take consolation and strength in knowing that God wants to use even this in your life to bring about something glorious.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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