Monday, December 14, 2015

The Family Pets

It occurs to me that I've made very little mention of the various family pets but you'll probably need to know a little something about them if you want to understand my family.  Plus they may figure in a few funny stories here and there.

We're currently sporting one pet, Oscar the cat.  He's a registered Lazy Overfed Shorthair Domestic and he's at the moment trying to make me feel better.  I've come home from work early, having woken up this morning with a low-grade fever and a scratchy throat, and I'm typing this lying in bed.  It's been a bit of work keeping him off my keyboard.

We've mostly been cat people over the years.  I'm not sure how that happened--there was a stray cat in Texas and Adored Wife, against my expressed wishes, started feeding it.  Once you feed them they're yours and we had Sunshine for something like fourteen years--I'd have to count up.  Then there was Tiger, who I brought home as a fluffy kitten in a moment of insanity.  Then there was Oscar and his brother Felix, adopted together from the shelter, and now we're down to Oscar.

We've also had two ferrets, a couple of fish, and several small rodents here and there.  We've never had dogs.  We've toyed with the idea here and there over the years but dogs are way more responsibility than cats and quite frankly most days our lives are pretty full already keeping various crises juggled.  Oscar, in comparison, asks only that the food dish be kept full.

Here's hoping all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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