Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Life in Charades

As mentioned, Adored Wife deals with anomic aphasia, the frequent inability to find the right word.  This of course means that the rest of the family deals with it, too.

Case in point, and one of our running gags--sometime back AW wanted someone to get the ketchup out of the cabinet.  And the word "ketchup" simply wasn't there; her brain wouldn't retrieve it for her.  And so what she said sounded like "Could you get the....(flaps hands, pointing)....the.....(more hand flapping).....ARGH!  CONDIMENTS!"

"You want the ketchup?"

"Yes!  That thing!  Thank you!"

So whenever she's hunting for a word, one of us will invariably suggest "condiments?"  And then she'll glare and throw a kitchen towel at us.

But AW lives much of her life in charades.  When the word's not there, as often it isn't, she'll gesture and demonstrate and point, and the rest of us have gotten very good at figuring out what she's trying to say.  And this is normal for us--it's only weird when there's someone else around who doesn't understand our particular brand of communication.


Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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