Thursday, April 20, 2017

Easter With the Family

Happy week after Easter, friends, and hope this finds everybody well.

Nothing special today, just reporting that this past weekend was very full and more than a little tiring but it all went well.

Graphics Magician was still recovering from a three-day field trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina with the eighth graders from his trip.  They had a lot of fun and didn't really get much sleep.  Saturday was the Easter Egg hunt at church and I spent most of the day either setting up for it or helping run it.  Saturday was also Social Hurricane's birthday, and we had a little get-together that evening for some family and friends.  (Graphics Magician, with permission, went to his room with his pizza.  There wasn't anybody else at the party his age and he was still exhausted.)

Easter Sunday, sunrise service, breakfast at the church, Sunday School and celebration, then Adored Wife's parents and a young man who's a family friend joined us mid-afternoon and stayed through a pretty substantial supper.  AW was pretty well worn out by the end of it, but triumphantly so.

Monday Basement Artist and I went to work, SH was off work and GM was off school, and AW slept in a little then got back onto the wedding planning and chores.

A joyously packed weekend.

Christ the Lord is risen, He is risen indeed.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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