Remind me why we have a cat, again? I keep forgetting.
Picture this: Adored Wife is making cookies, using sweetened condensed milk with pink food coloring as frosting. She leaves the kitchen for a minute and comes back to find Oscar up on the counter, in kitty heaven, having eaten about half the frosting.
He is not allowed on the counter and knows he is not allowed on the counter. She swats his furry behind and throws him outside.
(For those of you who may not know, cats tend to love dairy products, but dairy products are not good for a cat's digestion. This fact will become relevant very shortly in the story. Like, say, in the next paragraph.)
Sometime later, she lets him back in. He promptly goes down the hall and upchucks bright pink barf in front of our bedroom.
He was outside for an HOUR. He couldn't have done that outside?
Much scrubbing later, and the carpet is still slightly rose-colored......
It's a good thing he's cute.
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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