Thursday, April 27, 2017

Managing Time

Proverbs 3:6 tells us to follow and acknowledge God in all our ways and He will direct our steps.

 We think about this verse a lot when we're trying to keep our day straight,  This isn't unique to our slightly-abnormal family, but we have a lot going on.  Wedding plans, three different job schedules, doctor appointments and more doctor appointments and more doctor appointments, school, sports, household chores, church and theater, social life, paying bills and doing taxes and calling insurance companies and other sundry administrative matters, juggling vehicles, aging parents, trips and hobbies and dates and whatnot.  Also, Adored Wife, the primary household manager, has limited amounts of energy and "feeling wellness" and has to budget her time accordingly.

Frankly, there have been more than a few occasions when things have slipped through the cracks.  And yet, the house is still standing and the cat's still alive and there's still food in the refrigerator, so it can't have been all that bad.

I probably ought to look this up, but some historical figure said that he had so much to do today he just had to spend extra time in prayer.

The theory goes like this:  "I have time today to do everything God wants me to do.  I don't necessarily have time today to do everything God wants me to do PLUS everything that I personally think ought to get done."

If we commit ourselves to following Him prayerfully and obediently then He will direct our use of managing time and resources, and everything will turn out for the best.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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