Good morning, friends, and happy Monday.
There's a bit of an oddity with blogging (or any kind of publication, for that matter.) I schedule blog posts ahead of time; it's the only way I can insure they come out with any kind of regularity. I like to have something up on Mondays and Thursdays as a courtesy--you have a pretty fair idea of when "The Neighbors Think We're Normal" is going to update.
But as I write this it's two weeks before it's going to go live, and it may of course be longer than that before you read it. So there's a little bit of time travel going on here, because I'm aware that some of the things that are still in my future are in your past. But they'll also be in MY past, because not only do I write the blog but I read it, so I know what's going live on any particular day.
I'm particularly thinking about an upcoming wedding. It's less than five weeks from the "writing now," but it's less than three weeks from the "reading now." If all goes according to plan, this blog will update every Monday and Thursday for the foreseeable future. On Monday, June 19th, if all goes well, I expect to be a father-in-law and my married daughter will be off on her honeymoon.
Yikes. And I'll be reading a blog from a three-weeks past self who still has a marriage ceremony to look forward to.
I wonder what I'll make of it. Maybe I'll tell myself "hi," and hope that everything has gone well.
Looking back over this, it seems a bit disjointed. Sorry. I have LOTS of stuff on my mind.
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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