Adored Wife, I'm delighted, ecstatic, overjoyed to report, is feeling much more herself. Energy level is back up, brain is working again, she's being creative and sleeping better and wanting to get stuff done.
You can't imagine how happy I am about this. She had a ROUGH few weeks there.
So, today, I'm going to count some blessings in celebration. No doom and gloom today, friends. You want a downer post, look elsewhere.
1. I have a roof over my head.
2. I have plenty to eat.
3. I have a beautiful family and there is love in my home.
4. My oldest daughter, who was born three months early, stayed in the hospital the first 102 days of her life, and had four surgeries before she was one and a half has turned into a beautiful, intelligent, talented, morally strong young woman who recently got married.
5. My youngest daughter and second child has started on what promises to be a solid career path in health care and has shown signs of growing spiritual maturity and increasingly adult judgment after a difficult few years.
6. My teen-aged son, who still has a few things to learn, has demonstrated himself capable of apologizing and learning from mistakes, and has on occasion shown grace and humor under pressure.
7. My wife is my best friend.
8. We are surrounded by family and friends who obviously love and care about us.
9. My sins are forgiven in Jesus' name and God has promised to never leave me.
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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