Thursday, July 20, 2017

Praying For Guidance

I'm active on Facebook, and every once in awhile someone will make a very cryptic status update, like "things are difficult right now," or "that's it, I'm done," or, on the cheerier side, "well, that was fun," or "I can't believe I got away with that."

I don't know if it's intended as a bid for attention, but it can come off that way--almost soliciting FB friends to respond and ask "what's wrong?"

There's even a term for it: "Vaguebooking."  The typical sarcastic response is "do you think you could vague that up for me a little?"

Well, this is going to be a vague blog post.  I'm not seeking attention, and I don't want anyone to try to pry my secrets out of me.  My mood is upbeat and positive, and I'm seeing ample evidence that God is in control over even the challenges of our lives.  It's all good.

But there are some changing circumstances in our lives, affecting all our family members, and we're trying to figure out the God-pleasing way forward, and I can't really blog about this stuff..  Some of it's confidential, some of it's awkward, some of it I don't have the approval of family members to share, some of it's just not for public consumption yet.

But I know some of the people reading this are prayer warriors.

And we appreciate your prayers for God's guidance.  We know that He's going to guide us, we know that He has a plan, and we know that what He has in mind is far better than anything we could come up with on our own.

So, thanks for praying for us.  As and when I can talk about some of this, I most assuredly will.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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