Monday, April 25, 2016

Face Time With Family

Adored Wife was telling me the other day that she liked to make sure that she got one on one time with all three of the kids, and I've asked her to elaborate on that a little more for a blog post.

She says there are three kinds of "face time."  There's the planned face time, where she deliberately takes one of the kids with her on an errand or intentionally makes time for a game of Farkle or something along those lines.  Then there's the "squished in" time, where you grab it as you can.  When she's taking both daughters to work (as happens sometimes with the schedule) she'll have Social Hurricane in the front seat and be talking to her until it's time to drop her off, then Basement Artist will move up to the front and she'll pick up the conversation with her.  Then there's the serendipitous time, when all of a sudden it'll just be her and one child and conversation or quality time will happen.

I suppose I do something similar with the kids, except that I have to deliberately make sure I'm getting "dates" with all three of them.  At this writing Basement Artist is the next one I need to catch up with.

We have to be very deliberate with this with our family.  Social Hurricane's various issues have in particular occupied so much time and energy over the years that we've had to be intentional about making sure the other kids weren't neglected, but SH herself is so much of an out-of-the-house extrovert that it'd be easy to leave her to her own devices unless we make an effort to stay connected to her.

Just one of the ways we do what we do.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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