Thursday, April 7, 2016

Adored Wife Panics

Adored Wife is subject, unfortunately, to panic attacks.

She knows they're not rational.  Her brain will latch on to some small thing, imagine the worst possible set of circumstances and outcomes leading from it, and go into an absolute whirlwind of worry, contingency plans, and near-hysteria.  Thankfully it doesn't happen often, but the only thing to do is to ride it out.  It does typically settle down after a few minutes when she has a chance to regroup and do some self-calming stuff.

It's just a little awkward when it happens at four in the morning and her loving husband is wakened from a sound sleep by a full-bore panic happening right next to him.

Okay, soothing noises, pats on the shoulder, talking her down from it until she can get herself under control, I can do this.

The only part about it that really bugs me is that when it's done she can drop back off to sleep in twenty seconds and I'M still wide awake.

Gonna be a long day.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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