She's dealt with insecurity issues her whole life. She was born three months early, a two-pound three ounce preemie who looked a lot like E.T and had to deal with some major surgeries at a very young age. Developmental psychology suggests infants need to learn that the world is a safe and secure place from the outset or they may never get it; we've always wondered if BA's considerably rough start might have led to her fundamental shyness and uncertainty. She's wondered this herself.
She also has damaged vocal chords from early intubation and this hasn't helped the social awkwardness. She's wired as almost pure introvert and doesn't like to get out much. She cherishes a tee shirt that says "Introverts Unite. Separately. In Your Own Homes." She will sometimes deliberately make herself do people things.
She currently lives in our basement, although she does pay a modest rent and helps out tremendously around the house. She's at the beginning of what promises to be a long engagement with a very nice guy from Montreal she met on the internet. (He's been down for visits and I've suitably checked him out before giving him my blessing to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage. He's a good guy.)
She's a gifted writer, a very bright young lady, and tremendous fun to be around. She's a natural talent at drawing, with a whimsical eye, who frequently leaves little sketches around the house. Like this self-portrait:
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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