Wednesday, December 2, 2015

It's Not Easy Being Adored Wife

I've been married to Adored Wife for twenty-five years, and have known her since January of 1987--we met in college and had a two and a half year engagement.  We've been through some ups and downs but overall get along very well and have many shared interests.  I describe her in all honesty as my best friend.  Obviously she'll figure very heavily in a blog about my quasi-normal family.

Here are some of the things AW deals with on a regular basis:

1. She's epileptic, and has taken anti-seizure medication for longer than I've known her.  She's had a few periods in her life when the seizures weren't controlled and those have been entertaining.  Why yes, I have done CPR on my own wife, thanks for asking.  Hasn't everybody?  She's been seizure-free for several years, thankfully.
2. The medicine she's on to control the epilepsy has its own set of side effects and that complicates most other medical things
3. A few years back she had disks rupture in her neck, and had surgery to try to correct that.  She's suffered some probably permanent nerve damage and pain management is a big concern.  Also occasional muscle spasms and unable to sit or stand for any great length of time (a half hour is about her max sitting or an hour standing.)  Most trips are built around finding someplace where she can lie down, or at least recline, for a while.  Amazingly enough she can drive (although not for great distances) and can even ride some roller coasters (at least the ones with full neck support.)  The doctor cleared her for roller coasters (cheaper than chiropractors) and moving is easier than staying still if she's up.
4. She's had several small strokes over the years and has limited peripheral vision, balance issues, and right side weakness.
5. She has face blindness (prosopagnosia), word finding difficulty (anomic aphasia), and memory issues.
5. She suffers from anxiety and panic attacks.

Despite all that:
1. She has a mischievous sense of humor.
2. She has superlative organizational abilities.  (Far better than mine.  Not that that's hard.)  She's particularly good at putting together trips and events.
3. She is an active correspondent over various forms of social media.
4. She's a wonderful cook.
5. She keeps up with the children and the household affairs.
6. She's active in the church.
7. She's active in the community theater.
8. She's been a librarian, editor, church secretary, choir director, Vacation Bible School director, disk jockey, caterer, waitress, special projects manager, jewelry maker, photographer, concessions coordinator, homeschooling mom and probably other things that slip my mind.

Also, she's cute as a button.

That's a little bit about my partner and the love of my life.  You'll be hearing more about her in the blog.  I hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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