After this post, I'll get back to talking about my oddball family again, because hopefully I'll be done with all the interesting stuff about myself. The depression is under control, which is great. I like medication. This blog is about wrapping up a community theater show, and then my life really ought to settle down a little and I can get back to focusing on my wife and kids.
I don't know why I do this to myself. Theater is a time-consuming hobby. I do enjoy it, and evidence suggests I'm reasonably good at it, but, ay chihuahua, does it eat up the discretionary time.
The final weekend was exceedingly full. I won't go into all the details, but with work, performances, family obligations, and cast parties, Friday I hit the ground running at 5:30 and didn't get to bed until nearly midnight, Saturday, same thing, Sunday, hit the ground at 5:30, actually made it home after the cast party a few minutes before ten, told Adored Wife that I was sorry, but I was absolutely done, and fell into bed about eight minutes after ten. I vaguely remember brushing my teeth.
So, I'm pretty much done with acting in plays for at least a year, probably longer. I did two shows this year, which is a lot and that'll have to do me for awhile. I'll still help with set building, but that's fun, is healthy exercise and good socialization (and the occasional witnessing and ministry opportunity), and doesn't involve any great time commitment.
Plus, I can wear my wedding ring again--it felt really odd not having it on my finger. I was playing a single man, and leaving it on during the day would have just made it likelier that I would forget to take it off for a show, so I left it off for the entire run.
Regarding facial hair: I shaved my beard for the play, and Adored Wife, who has NEVER liked me clean-shaven, said I could do so only on the condition that I grow it back as soon as it was done.
And then, the last week of the show, she decides that she's used to how I look now and that I should keep shaving for awhile. Go figure. I've always given her the deciding vote on whether I went bushy or smooth, and it looks like we're going with naked upper lip and chin for now. I'll probably miss it when the weather turns cold, but otherwise I've never much cared one way or the other.
Hope all's well out there, friend, and God bless.
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