Monday, August 14, 2017

Things DO Get Better

A few years back, I wouldn't have called this.

My second daughter, Social Hurricane, and I are friends and enjoy doing things together.

This gives me GREAT hope when Graphics Magician is being particularly aggravating in his fourteen-year-old, hormone-driven, strong-willed, I-know-everything-and-you-just-don't-understand way.

We went through a really rough patch with SH some years back.  Rebellion, runaway, suicide attempts, hanging out with a really bad crowd, getting involved in unhealthy relationships, several hospital visits, a couple of stays in psychiatric facilities, lots and lots of counseling.  Screaming matches, tears, trouble at school.  One time I physically restrained her from leaving the house until we could talk a little sense into her, one time I knocked her door down because she'd locked it and was busily cutting her wrists on the other side, and on more than one occasion her mother and I lost sleep because she'd run away and we had no idea where she was.

It wasn't the funnest.

And now?  She's still got issues, and probably always will.  Bipolar disorder doesn't go away.  But she's gainfully employed and on a good career path, she pays rent and helps out around the house, and she and I watch superhero shows and cartoons together, talk about lots of things, and go out for breakfast or lunch every so often and have fun conversations when we do.

My troublesome daughter has become my friend.

That's actually pretty cool.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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