Thursday, February 9, 2017

Adored Wife Gets Stuck

Adored Wife tells a funny story on herself:

AW and Graphics Magician were alone in the house.  GM hadn't been feeling well and she was checking on him in his bunk bed.  He has a set of steps leading up to it and she stepped wrong on the first step and broke it, stranding herself on the second step.  Because of her balance and other neurological issues, she had absolutely no way to safely get down.

This has woken up GM, and he becomes aware of his mother's precarious position.  Half asleep he says "don't move" and goes in search of a step stool.  The first one he brings is too low to the ground so, still groggy, he goes down to the very cold garage and manages to find the larger one.

His mother relates that she is standing there feeling like an idiot the whole time stuck two feet off the ground, but she was quite relieved when GM came back with the "good" step stool and she was able to navigate safely back to the floor.

And she did manage to check on Graphics Magician, so it's all good.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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