We all have our insecurities, I suppose, those areas of our lives where we don't feel confident or together.
I am, as I've mentioned, an extreme introvert, and eldest daughter Basement Artist is almost as extreme as I am. We can get peopled out very easily. I had a VERY full people day this past Wednesday and, when I finally got home, I just needed to sit and watch "Outrageous Acts of Science" and not talk to anybody at all for half an hour. Then I felt better.
Social Hurricane, my second daughter, is almost as extreme an extrovert as I am an introvert, and I don't always appreciate that fact. She doesn't do well with alone time--she gets nervous and edgy if she's not interacting with somebody, unless she has some very involved task or chore to take her mind off of it. She loves social media, loves working with people, loves going places and doing things with friends. And sometimes I need to keep that in mind. When the Artist and I are chilling out on our own with a book or a writing project or a chore we're recharging. When Social Hurricane is in a similar situation she's running down and getting more and more insecure and needing people.
And I'm not overly proud of this--I've harangued a bit here and there about how extroverts don't understand introverts and expect us to be like them. And extroverts outnumber introverts substantially, and it's a world that caters to them. But in our household we have two extreme introverts, one who pretty much falls in the middle of the spectrum (Adored Wife is balanced n the center of the scale), and one slight extrovert (Graphics Magician leans toward the extroverted, but only a very little--he has lots of introverted traits.) We only have one true extrovert living here so, in our home, the introverts rule and sometimes that gives the Hurricane some troubles.
And she's adapted remarkably well to that, but I need to be more sympathetic toward it than I am.
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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