Adored Wife and I are both engaged in creative pursuits. I'm trying to further several personal writing projects and she's brainstorming and pulling elements together for a production venture. So far we haven't made any money or enjoyed any recognition for these efforts, but we're hopeful.
These amateur endeavors would go so much faster if responsibilities and adulting and challenges and other activities didn't get in the way. And don't get me wrong--I'm not advocating shirking duties, and other areas of our lives ARE important.
But sometimes things come up that are urgent but not important. "Tyranny of the urgent"--you've heard that expression before. We have a lot going on in our household, and the urgent could very easily define and control our lives. There have been days (and sometimes weeks on end) when we've been so busy just surviving that it's seemed as though there was no margin for anything else.
So AW and I are defying the urgent.
It's a rule, and we check with each other at the end of the day. No matter what else happens, you have to have done SOMETHING creative that day. Even if it was five minutes of writing for me or five minutes of targeted research for her, it has to be something tangible you can point to.
Amazingly enough, five minutes here and there does add up. And I've had a few days that I've been able to get to fifteen and even twenty minutes of writing. The urgent's not quite as pervasive or powerful as it wants you to think it us.
Take THAT, urgent.
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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