Monday, June 13, 2016

Our Cat Has Disgraced Us....

Have I told you about our cat, Oscar?  He's currently the only pet in the household, but we've had an assortment of cats, ferrets, and rodents of various descriptions over the years.

He has brought shame on the family.

He's been an indoor-outdoor cat for his entire life, but now we're transitioning him to being an indoor feline.

Because he attacked a neighbor's cat, half his size.  Poor little Oreo was just trying to get away and he was apparently solidly biting her back leg.  The neighbor had to hit him with a broom to get him to let go.

She felt bad about hitting him and told us she hoped she hadn't hurt him.  I told her she should have whacked him harder; maybe it would have taught the bullying varmint a lesson.

So, okay, going after squirrels and mice?  Not a problem, because that's what cats do.  Attacking, without any provocation we can tell, the neighbor's pet on the neighbor's property?  That's something else entirely.

I am shamed.  Fortunately we have a good relationship with the lady in question, but I have absolutely no interest in this ever happening again.  So Oscar has largely forfeited his outdoor privileges.  It's sadly for his own good--we don't want anybody else's animal getting hurt, and we don't want HIM getting hurt if the next neighbor whose pet he assaults wields the broom a little less gently.

Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.

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