Adored Wife and I have been married for twenty-six years today!
It won't be any kind of big celebration--we'll probably go out to lunch. Last year we did a cruise for our 25th (AW did an excellent job bargain hunting and saved up and we got a little financial help with it) but that's not the sort of thing we can do every year. I did get her a little something but she reads this blog so I can't tell you what it is before I get the chance to give it to her.
I was looking back at wedding pictures--she looked beautiful and radiant and she was standing next to this skinny guy who didn't look good in a beard and who really should have found time to get a haircut no matter how crazy his week was. I have a daughter older than we were then--scary.
We'd been through a few health crises and family troubles and stresses already at that point but we had NO IDEA what we were letting ourselves in for. God's been amazingly faithful to shepherd and guide and provide for us every step of the way but I'm glad we can't see the future. If I'd known then what a rocky road it was going to be would I have had the courage to go through with it? I dunno.
But we've survived everything and I can honestly say that my wife is still my best friend. Despite relationship troubles and financial troubles and health troubles and job troubles and household troubles and family troubles and whatnot the marriage is still going strong.
It sounds a little sappy, but my wife completes me. I wouldn't be the man I am (whatever that means) without her.
Happy anniversary, AW. Je t'adore!
Hope all's well out there, friends, and God bless.
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